Ender’s Game Trailer Already Made

lions summitMichael Burns on 2013 Predictions

Lionsgate Chairman, Michael Burns, was a guest on CNBC‘s ‘Fast Money’ yesterday. He teased Ender’s Game fans a little, saying that he’s seen the ‘Ender’s Game’ trailer! Read below:

Melissa Lee: You’ve got a big pipeline in 2013. What’s the one film that we need to be watching for out of Lionsgate? What’s gonna the game changer for you guys in terms of earnings.

Michael Burns: I’m pretty confident that actually Catching Fire which comes out in November will do well. I think that also, we’ve also got some potential big hits and franchises. Red 2 is obviously the sequel coming out after Red 1, out of the first Red. I feel very good about… I saw the trailer yesterday for Ender’s Game, that looks very exciting.  [..]

If you want to watch Melissa’s interview with Michael Burns, watch below:

There is still no official word from Summit Entertainment via Lionsgate when the first ‘Ender’s Game’ teaser trailer will be released. Thank you Jonathan on Facebook for the tip; and credit to enderwiggin.net for the transcript.

The ‘Ender’s Game’ film will be released in U.S. theaters on November 1, 2013.